Prefix settings
Prefix - is an record in q4wine database, which contains wine settings, all user setup ed icons and Wineprefix directory.
General prefix options:

Option name | Description |
Prefix name | You can specify any prefix name on you option. It's better to specify correct semantic description like "Games", "Office apps" and so on. |
Prefix path | Prefix directory will hold a virtual windows drive called "Wine Fake drive" with separate wine settings (drives, virtual desktop, special dlls, installed apps and so on). It might to be a real directory. |
Architecture | Specifies the Windows architecture to support. It can be set either to win32 (support only 32-bit applications), or to win64 (support both 64-bit applications and 32-bit ones in WoW64 mode). The architecture supported by a given Wine prefix is set at prefix creation time and cannot be changed afterwards. When running with an existing prefix, Wine will refuse to start if WINEARCH doesn't match the prefix architecture. Note: you need x64_86 system and Wine build with win64 support. |
Mount point | Mount point directory. It might to be a real directory. |
Device | Device letter for mount point. |
Wine paths configuration:

Option name | Description |
Binary | Wine binary loads and runs the given program, where the program is a DOS, Windows 3.x, or Win32 executable. Leave it blank for default value. |
Server | Wine server is a daemon process that provides to Wine roughly the same services that the Windows kernel provides on Windows. Leave it blank for default value. |
Loader | Specifies the path and name of the wine binary to use to launch new Windows processes. Leave it blank for default value. |
Libraries | Specifies the path in which to search for builtin dlls and Winelib applications. Leave it blank for default value. |

Option name | Description |
Execution template string | This template will be used to run wine programs. Normally you do not need to change it. Leave it blank for default value. |
Also: You can change default execution template string by setting path to third party binary or script. Use following variables as template arguments:
Option name | Description |
%SUDO% | Contains path to sudo binary. |
%CONSOLE_BIN% | Contains path to console binary. |
%CONSOLE_ARGS% | Contains default console arguments. |
%ENV_BIN% | Contains path to env binary. |
%ENV_ARGS% | Contains default env arguments (WINELIBS, WINEARCH, e.t.c.). |
%WORK_DIR% | Contains path to icon's working directory. |
%SET_NICE% | Contains nice command. |
%WINE_BIN% | Contains path to wine binary. |
%VIRTUAL_DESKTOP% | Contains icon's virtual desctop settings. |
%PROGRAM_BIN% | Contains icon's path to wine executable. |
%PROGRAM_ARGS% | Contains icon's arguments for wine executable. |