Q4Wine is a Qt GUI for Wine. It will help you manage wine prefixes and installed applications. It currently supported on Linux, FreeBSD and OS X platforms.
Q4Wine was initially written by Oleksii S. Malakhov aka John Brezerk. General idea comes from WineTools scripts which were initially written by Frank Hendriksen.
General features are:
- Can export Qt color theme into wine colors settings;
- Can easy work with different wine versions at same time;
- Easy creating, deleting and managing prefixes (WINEPREFIX);
- Easy controlling for wine process;
- Autostart icons support;
- Easy cd-image use;
- You can extract icons from PE files (.exe .dll);
- Easy backup and restore for managed prefixes;
- Winetriks support;
- And more: Explore it!;
Here are all news related to q4wine project and its community life. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS or Atom feed if you interested in.
Оновлено та покращено переклад:
- apl/addons/3den_language - 100%
- apl/addons/language_f - 100%
- language_f_argo - 100%
- language_f_bootcamp - 100%
Розпочато переклад:
- language_f_beta - 4%
Мод можна завантажити за посиланням: Steam Workshop: Ukrainian Language Pack
Оновлення проекту Української локалізації Arma3.
- Повністю перекладено languagecore_f;
- Повністю перекладено 3den_language;
- Покращено переклад language_f;
Мод можна завантажити за посиланням: Steam Workshop: Ukrainian Language Pack
Оновлення проекту Української локалізації Arma3.
- Синхронізовано текстові повідомлення з останньою версією гри;
- Покращено переклад language_f;
- Покращено переклад languagecore_f;
- Покращено переклад 3den_language;
Мод можна завантажити за посиланням: Steam Workshop: Ukrainian Language Pack
Continue to play with GodotEngine: Proof of Concept: Space Game;
- camera movement;
- space ship movement (point & click);
- basic path finding;
- ship rotation to align the plotted course;
Took a bit more time than I was expecting :)
Version changes since v1.3.11
- Afrikaans translation;
- Japanese translation;
- Ukrainian translation;
- Russian translation;
- Traditional Chinese translation;
- German translation;
- Add an option to show / hide "Args" parameter BUG-114;
- Generate StartupWMClass values in created .desktop files BUG-153;
- Added a feature to keep the terminal open when running winetricks so users can see the output.
- Fix parsing of env causing issues with wine kill BUG-143;
- Error: wrong or broken XML data. Try again later. BUG-146;
- Fixed a bug where /etc/mtab was not being read and resulted in being unable to unmount iso images.
- Fixed a bug where the temporary director for generating icons wasn't being deleted. Refactored this to use QTemporaryDir.
- Added workaround for st terminal, similar to konsole.
- Fixed warnings: Qt deprecated function useage;
- Fixed warnings: use of old-style cast;
To you attention, project is moving to a new hosting. It will take ~1 week. If you need to you can always contact us .
Sorry for the inconvenience
Version changes since v1.3.9
- cppcheck: Uninitialized struct member: item.provider_id;
- to get rid of all non-release stuff;
Version changes since v1.3.7
- Fixed build with Qt >= 5.11 BUG-125;
- Error: wrong or broken XML data. Try again later. BUG-132;
- winetricks: Proxy settings are used even if proxy type set to 'none';
- Custom virtual desktop resolution size BUG-131;
- gui_sudo missing in Ubuntu 18.04 BUG-120;