Q4Wine is a Qt GUI for Wine. It will help you manage wine prefixes and installed applications. It currently supported on Linux, FreeBSD and OS X platforms.
Q4Wine was initially written by Oleksii S. Malakhov aka John Brezerk. General idea comes from WineTools scripts which were initially written by Frank Hendriksen.
General features are:
- Can export Qt color theme into wine colors settings;
- Can easy work with different wine versions at same time;
- Easy creating, deleting and managing prefixes (WINEPREFIX);
- Easy controlling for wine process;
- Autostart icons support;
- Easy cd-image use;
- You can extract icons from PE files (.exe .dll);
- Easy backup and restore for managed prefixes;
- Winetriks support;
- And more: Explore it!;
Here are all news related to q4wine project and its community life. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS or Atom feed if you interested in.
I just got new hardware to replace existing infrastructure. All services:
- web
- vpn
Will be going offline for period 12/22/17 till 12/24/17.
Version changes since v1.3.5
- Added indication of applications which was installed through winetricks BUG-106;BUG-111;
- Default Wine Desktop Integartion path settings for new prefixes BUG-106;
- Added option to run custom scripts with fake drive settings after creation of fake drive BUG-106;
- Qt5 build enabled by default;
- Taiwan translation;
- Russian translation;
- Ukrainian translation;
- Spanish translation;
- Czech translation;
- Bind Plus and Minus keys for Program tab for +- zoom respectively BUG-112;
- Bind Plus and Minus keys for Config tab for +- zoom respectively BUG-112;
- Allow to change Config and Program Icon sizes independently BUG-112;
- q4wine prevents user from running winecfg from KRunner even after uninstalling BUG-98;
Version changes since v1.3.4
- Italian translation;
- Ukrainian translation;
- Russian translation;
- Removed extra Doxygen files to reduce artifact size;
After some experiments and tests. I decided to start using Weblate instead of pootle.
It provides flexible and simple git integration as well as github and google authentication via OAuth2.
Currently this new tool has been deployed and configured. It is available via url;
Let me know if any issues.
Version changes since v1.3.3
- Add WINE env var to console environment BUG-91;
- Icons are not loaded properly with Qt 5.7.x;
- Console launch environment uses dead setting fields BUG-90;
- Q4Wine file selectors filters files with upper case extension BUG-94[QTBUG-51712];
- Refactor winetrkics parser: use direct parser + transactions;
- Links imported from Windows desktop do not work BUG-103;
- Import from Windows desktop is not working in some cases BUG-103;
- Processes tab does not detect some wine processes correctly BUG-100;
Version changes since v1.3.1
- [regression, bisected] Icon information is not displayed correctly BUG-80;
- Winetricks does not update BUG-77;
- First startup wizard (quick mount profile): profile strings are initially empty if fuseiso is not installed BUG-81;
- Download (latest) Winetricks from GitHub BUG-82;
- Correct proxy-related environment variables in Winetricks plugin BUG-83;
- Use env command in the command line to download Winetricks BUG-83;
- Support proxy username/password in Winetricks plugin BUG-83;
- Treat aarch64 as 64 bit platform and put libraries in lib64 directory BUG-85;
Version changes since v1.3
- Allow to execute and create icons for .bat and .msi files BUG-69;
- Added Chinese (China) translation (thx 2 Mingye Wang and Mingcong Bai);
- Added Japanese translation (thx 2 Masanori Kakura);
- Renamed 'New' menu option for icon and prefix view to 'New icon' and 'New folder' respectively to avoid confusion BUG-69;
- Icon description is not exported into *.desktop file BUG-69;
- Winetrick's item description label doesn't wrap properly BUG-71;
- Qt5: detailed view item selection duplicate BUG-75;
- q4wine-cli does not accept extra app arguments BUG-78;
- Translation files moved from i18n to l10n;
- Hide deprecated prefix options if values are not set;
Version changes since v1.3
- Taiwan translation (thx 2 Jeff Huang);
- Use icons from the system icon theme where possible BUG-22;
- Replace default raster icons with SVG analogs BUG-21;
- Extend App icons zoom sizes up to 512px BUG-21;
- Allow to choose .svg and .svgz images for icons BUG-21;
- Add an app option to switch default/ambiance-light/ambiance-dark icon BUG-21;
- Use ISO country codes for translation files (required for: pootle, gentoo ebuild);
- Use native language name for language selection;